P. TOMMY Y. S. SUYASA Dr., M.Si., Psikolog
Judul : -
Study 1 of Indonesian Wisdom Scale: Kebijaksanaan Berbasis Pancasila (Wisdom Based on Culture and Values)
Tahun : 2020,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.05. Studies in Human Society,
Kategori TSE : ,
Judul : Alat Ukur Kebijaksanaan versi Orang Indonesia, sesuai Nilai dan Budaya Indonesia
Wisdom Instrument of Indonesian people version, according to Indonesian values and culture
Tahun : 2018,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.09. Other Social Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.08. Other social development and community services not elsewhere classified
Judul : Peran kualitas kehidupan kerja sebagai prediktor perilaku kerja kontraproduktif.
The role of quality of work life as a predictor of counterproductive work behavior.
Tahun : 2017,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : The Relationships Between Job Embeddedness, Person-Organization Fit, and Turnover Intention
Hubungan Antara Embeddedness Pekerjaan, Person-Organisasi Fit, dan Niat Turnover
Tahun : 2017,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Materialistic value and credit card usage as predictors of compulisve clothing buying among young adult women.
Nilai materialistis dan penggunaan kartu kredit sebagai prediktor pembelian pakaian compulisve di kalangan wanita dewasa muda.
Tahun : 2017,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Bukti Konvergen: Bangun Validasi untuk versi Bahasa Indonesia dari Skala Penyimpangan Interpersonal dan Organisasional
Convergent Evidence: Construct Validation of an Indonesian version of Interpersonal and Organisational Deviance Scales
Tahun : 2017,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Hubungan quality of work life dan motivasi kerja (studi pada sales promotion girls di PT X)
Relationship between quality of work life and work motivation (study on sales promotion girls at PT X)
Tahun : 2016,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Peran kualitas kehidupan kerja terhadap keinginan untuk mengundurkan diri dan komitmen organisasi.
The role of work life quality towards the desire to resign and organizational commitment.
Tahun : 2016,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Persepsi terhadap Dukungan Orang Tua dan Pembuatan Keputusan Karir Remaja
Perception of Parental Support and Making Youth Career Decisions
Tahun : 2016,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : The mediating role of cultural intelligence in the relationship between the openness to experience personality trait and job satisfaction among expatriates.
Peran mediasi kecerdasan budaya dalam hubungan antara keterbukaan untuk mengalami sifat kepribadian dan kepuasan kerja di kalangan ekspatriat.
Tahun : 2016,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Sikap terhadap budaya organisasi dan komitmen organisasi
attitudes towards organizational culture and organizational commitment
Tahun : 2016,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Studi mengenai Perilaku Kerja Kontraproduktif: Pengaruh Cara Menegur terhadap Kesantaian Kerja dan Kesalahan Kerja (Study of Counterproductive Work Behavior: Impact of ?
Study of counterproductive work behavior: The effect of ways of reprimanding on work casualties and work mistakes (Study of Counterproductive Work Behavior: Impact of ..
Tahun : 2015,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Pengembangan alat ukur kreativitas pada mahasiswa jurusan teknik arsitektur.
Development of creativity measuring instruments for students majoring in engineering
Tahun : 2014,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Alat Ukur Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja
Quality of Work Life Scale
Tahun : 2014,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Gaya Mengajar dan Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)
Teaching Style and Achievement Motivation for High School Students
Tahun : 2012,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Kepribadian Resilien Sebagai Lokasi Kebahagiaan.
Resilient Personality as a Location of Happiness.
Tahun : 2011,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Modifikasi Alat Ukur Minat Kuder Preference Inventory/Record PTYS Suyasa Research Week Universitas Tarumanagara
Modification of Interest Measurement Tools Kuder Preference Inventory / Record PTYS Suyasa Research Week Tarumanagara University
Tahun : 2011,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Identitas Jenis Humor: Lucu, Lucu, Lucu.
Identity Type of Humor: Funny, Funny, Funny.
Tahun : 2010,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Pemetaan Kompetensi Berbasis Nilai
Value-Based Competency Mapping
Tahun : 2010,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Identifikasi Fenomena, Faktor, dan Fungsi Respect sebagai usaha Peningkatan Kualitas (Nilai-nilai & Sikap Kerja Positif) Sumber Daya Manusia
Identifikasi Fenomena, Faktor, dan Fungsi Respect sebagai usaha Peningkatan Kualitas (Nilai-nilai & Sikap Kerja Positif) Sumber Daya Manusia
Tahun : 2010,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Indikator Dasar Self-Control: Kesehatan Fisik, Stabilitas Emosi, Perilaku Seksual, Keteraturan Finansial, atau Religiusitas?
Basic Self-Control Indicators: Physical Health, Emotional Stability, Sexual Behavior, Financial Regularity, or Religiosity?
Tahun : 2010,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Pengukuran Emotional Recognition dan Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhinya
Emotional Recognition Measurements and Influencing Factors
Tahun : 2010,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Brand image cafe x: Cermin kepuasan konsumen.
Brand image cafe x: Cermin kepuasan konsumen.
Tahun : 2009,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Pengukuran Makna dalam Kehidupan
The Measurement of Meaning in Life
Tahun : 2009,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Penumbuhan Kreativitas dan Inovasi sebagai Usaha Pengembangan Potensi Kewirausahaan
Growth of Creativity and Innovation as an Entrepreneurial Potential Development Effort
Tahun : 2009,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Evaluasi Belajar Berbasis Kompetensi
Competency Based Learning Evaluation
Tahun : 2009,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Tarumanagara Meaning in Life Scale
Makna Tarumanagara dalam Skala Hidup
Tahun : 2008,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Kepuasan Kerja dan Kesejahteraan Psikologi Karyawan
Job Satisfaction and Employee Psychology Welfare
Tahun : 2008,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Kesesuaian Minat terhadap Pekerjaan: Pegawai Produktif (Studi pada Agen Asuransi Jiwa di Jakarta)
Interest Suitability for Work: Productive Employees (Study on Life Insurance Agents in Jakarta)
Tahun : 2008,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Komitmen organisasi dan organizational citizenship behavior pada karyawan call centre.
Organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior in call center employees.
Tahun : 2008,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Persepsi terhadap Petugas Pemberi Jasa Layanan: Efek dari Kepuasan Konsumen
Perception of Service Service Providers: Effects of Consumer Satisfaction
Tahun : 2008,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Pengukuran kepuasan kerja: Metode alternatif
Job satisfaction measurement: The alternative method
Tahun : 2007,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Persepsi terhadap Model Karakteristik Pekerjaan, Kesejahteraan Psikologis, dan Kinerja
Persepsi terhadap Job characteristics Model, Psychological Well-Being, dan Performance (Studi pada Karyawan PT. X)
Tahun : 2007,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Hubungan Trait Kepribadian dan Sikap terhadap Sistem Penilaian Kinerja (Studi pada Pengemudi Bus TransJakarta)
Relationship between Personality Trait and Attitudes toward Performance Assessment Systems (Study on TransJakarta Bus Drivers)
Tahun : 2007,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Hubungan antara Kemampuan Visual Imagery dengan Kemampuan Pemahaman Membaca pada Bacaan Jenis Ekspositori (Studi pada siswa kelas 5 dan 6 SDN Duren Sawit 02 Pagi)
Relationship between Visual Imagery Ability and Reading Comprehension Ability in Expository Type Readings (Study on Grade 5 and 6 students at SDN Duren Sawit 02 Pagi)
Tahun : 2007,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Keaktifan Berorganisasi dan Kompetensi Interpersonal
Activity of Organization and Interpersonal Competence
Tahun : 2006,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Persepsi terhadap Kemasan dan Intensi Membeli
Preception of packaging and the intensity of buying
Tahun : 2006,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Resiliensi dan Sikap terhadap Penyalahgunaan Zat (Studi pada Remaja)
Resilience and Attitudes towards Substance Abuse (Studies in Adolescents)
Tahun : 2006,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Perbedaan minat dalam penggunaan fungsi internet berdasarkan tipe kepribadian
Differences in interest in the use of internet functions based on personality types
Tahun : 2005,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Perbandingan Perilaku Konsumtif Berdasarkan Metode Pembayaran
Comparison of Consumptive Behavior Based on Payment Methods
Tahun : 2005,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Hubungan Persepsi terhadap Dukungan Suami dan Penyesuaian Diri Istri pada Kehamilan Anak Pertama
Hubungan Persepsi terhadap Dukungan Suami dan Penyesuaian Diri Istri pada Kehamilan Anak Pertama
Tahun : 2005,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Pengendalian Diri pada Remaja
Self Control in Adolescents
Tahun : 2004,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Persepsi terhadap Lingkungan Fisik Kerja dan Dorongan Berperilaku Agresif pada Polisi Lalu-Lintas
Perception of Physical Work Environment and Encouragement of Aggressive Behavior in Traffic Police
Tahun : 2004,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Perbandingan Tingkat Kepuasan Kerja antara Kelompok Guru yang Berstatus Tetap dan Kelompok Guru yang Berstatus Honorer: Suatu Tinjauan untuk Mengkaji Implikasi Kebijakan ?
Comparison of Job Satisfaction Levels between Permanent Status Groups of Teachers and Groups of Teachers with Honorary Status: A Review of Assessing Policy Implications ...
Tahun : 2000,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services
Judul : Intensi Mahasiswa untuk Mengikuti Kegiatan Pendidikan Dasar Kemiliteran (Latsarmil)
Student Intention to Join Military Basic Education Activities (Latsarmil)
Tahun : 1997,
Kategori : 5. Social Sciences,
Bidang : 5.06. Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
Kategori TSE : 16. Social Development and Community Services,
TSE : 16.01. Community services